Saturday, January 16, 2010

Getting everything we CAN.

Today we went door to door to people in our community to gather canned goods, clothing, and botteled waters for the missionaries in Haiti. Every bit helps: we even had some people ask us to come back later to give more. We split up in three teams despite the weather conditions of the cold rain this way we could cover more ground.
<--Yes, we carried it in hand and walked the neighborhood.

Group 2-> did not have much success gathering from house to house so they opted out to buy their own donations to give to the people in Haiti.

On our way back to the car group three was nice enough to let us pile up ontop and give use a ride back to our car.

All in all today was a pretty good success being our first outing of showing the world our love for God and all. We are turning prayer lists into to-do lists.

So today on our day off(January 18) we packaged and labeled everything we collected. Each label we made we put an english and creolen version on there. We all felt like we all got a lot accomplished. We had boxes of clothing, jugs of water, and boxes of canned and boxed foods that are to be sent over to Haiti within the next few


Jonny Day, one of our founding fathers has the opportunity to actually go to Haiti for a week and help with the disaster relief. (he is the boy in the blue middle). This is a huge growing and learning opportunity. God has really blessed our ministry and Jonny is an awesome canidate to be an example in Haiti for a ministry and simply just to represent as a Radical follower of Jesus Christ. Jonny will be going February 13-19th. He needs to raise about 1200 dollars. So please support Him with prayers and also if you feel lead to fund him you can email us at Remember to keep him in your prayers!

Today (January 23, 2010) We sent our collections to their final destination! Our Missions center at the church was not collecting the particular items we had so we found a Haitian church in Atlanta. They were so thankful for everything we gave (a whole 17 boxes)!! We are hopefully going to visit again with them soon they were so awesome! We deffinatly want to get to know this church more and deffinaly form a relationship with them!

1 comment:

  1. This great Jonny!!! Congrats!! Keep it up. God bless and will be praying for you as you head to Haiti. What a great opportunity. but boy is it going to be hard. Guy
